Services we provide

Gomez-Hall Environmental works collaboratively with project teams, clients, and stakeholders to meet project challenges with creative, cooperative solutions.  Our environmental documents are clear, concise, well-supported, and well-written, presenting complex information in a persuasive and understandable way.

We can help with

  • Strategic planning
  • Constraints studies
  • Coordination of specialized technical studies
  • NEPA Categorical Exclusions and FONSIs
  • NEPA Environmental Assessments and RODs
  • NEPA Environmental Impact Statements and RODs
  • Joint NEPA/CEQA documents
  • SEPA Checklists
  • SEPA Environmental Assessments
  • SEPA Determination of Nonsignificance (DNS)/Mitigated Determination of Nonsignificance (MDNS)
  • CEQA Initial Studies/Environmental Applications
  • Tiered, Supplemental, or Addendum CEQA Documents
  • CEQA Negative Declarations/Mitigated Negative Declarations
  • CEQA Environmental Impact Reports
  • CEQA Findings/Statements of Overriding Considerations

Permits associated with impacts to:

  • Waters of the U.S. (Section 404 and Section 10)
  • Water quality (Section 401)
  • Bridges over navigable waters
  • Federal Coastal Zone Management Consistency
  • Shorelines (State shoreline development/variance/conditional use permits)
  • Air quality
  • Biological resources (Federal and State Endangered Species Act permitting)
  • State wetland permits
  • Cultural/archaeological/historical resources (Section 106 compliance, Archaeological Site Alteration and Excavation Permits, EO 05-05 compliance, etc.)
  • Stormwater and wastewater discharge (NPDES and other permits)
  • Section 4(f) and 6(f) compliance
  • Land use/growth (Washington Grown Management Act compliance)
  • Community outreach
  • And other environmental planning and permitting services

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